Purdue endnote for students
Purdue endnote for students

The footnote contains the number of the citation followed by a period and then the citation itself. See editing example Content of Chicago footnotes The numbering does not restart with a new page or section (although in a book-length text it may restart with each new chapter). Your first citation is marked with a 1, your second with a 2, and so on. Notes should be numbered consecutively, starting from 1, across the whole text. Johnson argues that “the data is unconvincing” 1-but Smith contends that… Johnson argues that “the data is unconvincing.” 1 It is placed after any punctuation except a dash: The reference number appears in superscript at the end of the clause or sentence it refers to. You can easily insert footnotes in Microsoft Word. They appear at the bottom of the relevant page, corresponding to reference numbers in the text. Placement of footnotesįootnotes should be used whenever a source is quoted or paraphrased in the text. Check with your instructor if you’re unsure. Sometimes you might be required to use a full note for every citation, or to use a short note every time as long as all sources appear in the bibliography.

purdue endnote for students

The guidelines for use of short and full notes can vary across different fields and institutions.

Purdue endnote for students